The hotlines provide information on services for pregnant women, children, and families who have children with special needs. Trained Information and Referral Specialists are available 24 hours a day to assist callers.
Wisconsin First Step is a statewide Information and Referral service dedicated to helping families and professionals find resources for children and teens, birth to 21 years, with special needs. This hotline can assist in locating a variety of programs including early intervention services, medical resources, assistive technology, respite care, advocacy, home health care and much more.
Maternal and Child Health Hotline (800-772-2295 Voice/TTY)
The Maternal and Child Health Hotline provides information on various programs for pregnant women, children and families. These programs may include: BadgerCare Plus, Healthcheck, Prenatal Care Coordination, Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC), Wisconsin Medicaid Family Planning Waiver, and others.
For more information, please visit the Public Health Information And Referral Services For Women, Children & Families at